
“We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.”
Anaïs Nin

Its a moment of happiness for a writer when the reader appreciates the pain taken to complete the piece. I am new to blogging and I am grateful to Maitri for nominating me  for the Liebster Award. Do visit her blog , she writes beautifully and I am sure in the end you will feel connected to her articles.

The rules of this award:
1. Acknowledge the blog who nominated you and display the award.
2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger gives you.
3. Give 11 random facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 11 blogs.
5. Notify those blogs of the nomination.
6. Give them 11 questions to answer

11 Questions posed to me

1.If you could invent anything what would it be?

I would like to invent a time machine to be honest , so that I get to correct my mistakes

2.If you knew that the world was about to end what would you do?

This is a tricky question. One thing I would want would be to see the earth for the last time and then help to save the world if I can.

3.If you could be a super human what power would you want to possess?

I would want to have the power to read other’s mind. LOL

4.What is your dream life?

My dream life would be no study and have all the time to play football without being scolded.

5.What would you do if you were invisible for a day?

That depends , I guess I would catch all the criminals in one single day

6.What are the qualities that would cause you to end a friendship?

The qualities would be dishonesty and disloyalty that would cause me to break a friendship

7.What are your biggest pet peeves?

My biggest pet peeves is when people don’t reply back when I ask a question . That annoys me a lot.

8.Whom do you admire the most?

I admire my mother the most , She is the most amazing woman I know.

9.Would you prefer being alone or with people?

I don’t mind being alone but I guess I would prefer living with people because I am very talkative

10.Does death scare you?

Yes it does. I don’t know the reason but yes it does scare me.

11.What is your favorite food?

My favorite food is momos prepared by my mother, I  just love to have them , I can eat them the whole day.

Now 11 random facts about me are:-

  1. I am complete freak who that can do anything.
  2. I am a kind of book worm.
  3. I have really wild and random imagination.
  4. I like to meet new people.
  5. Football is my craze.
  6. Usain Bolt is my idol . I admire that guy.
  7. I am crazy about Indian Army.
  8. Blue and White colors suit me LOL
  9. I form bonds that  I mean to keep.
  10. I don’t make promises which I cannot fulfill

I would like to nominate following people.


Questions for the nominees.

  1. What would you do before you die?
  2. Whom do you love the most?
  3. How did you start blogging?
  4. Who is your favorite sports star and why?
  5. If you had the power to do anything , what would you like to do?
  6. If you were given the choice of rebirth , what would you like to become?
  7. What are you scared of?
  8. How do you choose your friends?
  9. What is the most dangerous thing you ever did in your life?
  10. Does death scare you?
  11. What is your most beautiful dream?

Best of luck . Hoping for great answers.


18 thoughts on “LIEBSTER Award

  1. L. Marie says:

    Congratulations on your nomination. And thank you for nominating me. XD. If it’s okay, I’ll put my answers here:
    1. What would you do before you die?
    Visit Italy.
    2. Whom do you love the most?
    3. How did you start blogging?
    4. Who is your favorite sports star and why?
    José Quintana, ’cause I’m a White Sox fan, being from the South Side of Chicago.
    5. If you had the power to do anything , what would you like to do?
    I would probably fly.
    6. If you were given the choice of rebirth , what would you like to become?
    I would be the same as I am. Only maybe with better vision. XD
    7. What are you scared of?
    Failure. But I’ve failed so many times, you’d think I wouldn’t be scared of it anymore.
    8. How do you choose your friends?
    My friends and I have common interests. We might be creative in different ways, but we appreciate many of the same avenues to creativity.
    9. What is the most dangerous thing you ever did in your life?
    Running across Lake Shore Drive. If you know that area of Chicago, you know that what I did is pretty foolhardy.
    10. Does death scare you?
    I get scared when I think of people close to me dying.
    11. What is your most beautiful dream?
    Being a fantasy novelist. Trying to make that a reality.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Raili TANSKA says:

    Congratulations on your Award. It is really exciting as a new blogger to be nominated for awards. Thank you Raoul for your kind nomination of my blog. I truly appreciate it. Some time ago I decided to make my blog Award free. However, I also wanted to find a way of acknowledging and paying back the kindness of those who nominate me for awards. The link below will take you to my Awards page where you can read about it, and find my thanks to you. I wish you teh very best in this exciting journey of blogging – and life 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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