MOTIVATION {SERIES} #2 (Nick Vujici)

People following my blog and reading my work are quite  aware of the fact that I have written a lot regarding life and human values and I’m here again to pour out my feelings in this second segment of my motivation series.

One thing I’ll like to ask all of you who are reading this is that, have you ever wondered what your hands and legs mean to you? , I guess we all have at some point of our time. But have we ever seen them as something that is indispensable? Have we ever thought how would we be without them? We never think about these things because we can never imagine our life without our organs. 

But friends we have people who do not possess the things that we as humans take for granted, when we talk about our basic needs we always have food, shelter, and clothing in our minds but when a person is not physically able, do these needs really matter?

Let me introduce you all to someone who is an evergreen source of motivation, determination and is a person whose sheer will is something that words fail to describe. Nick Vujici is a man who was born with no legs and no hands; you can just picture how difficult life would have been for him.images (2).jpg

Most people would have committed suicide if they were at his place and he too thought about it but still he managed to carry on and today he is one of the most successful person on this planet, people swarm to hear him when he is the city for a session. He says when life throws you down, it’s up to you whether you just lie there feeling hurt or you get up and fight. Guys we just crib about our lives, this, that, but in my opinion we are the real handicaps and this is what Nick tells us too because in spite of having everything we are doing nothing.

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So whenever I feel that life is being mean to me or it is getting really difficult I just think about Nick and that fills me up with a slogan “If He can do it , why can’t I?” We all have challenges and problems in our life journey,  but if there is will and hope then nothing in this universe can stop you from achieving your heart’s desire in spite of what may come in the way. So People believe in yourself and never lose hope because if you lose it, you have already lost the battle that has not even begun?

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This is the second in the series of Motivation. Through this I would like to reach out to people who need motivation and inspiration by presenting my views on lives of some the great personalities of our era.

Don’t forget to read the first part.

MOTIVATION {SERIES} #1 (Helen Keller)



Share your valuable comments. Till then take care



12 thoughts on “MOTIVATION {SERIES} #2 (Nick Vujici)

  1. SonniQ says:

    That is very touching. A person will succeed or fail depending o.j. what the think. You are what you think. If you think you can, you can’t. Same if you think you can’t. Or if you doubt. We need to see in our mind what we want to achieve. Our mind will accomplish our determination.

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